Three Tips for Keeping Your Covid-19 Vaccination Card Safe for Travel

If you're packing your bags to jet off to some place haute, remember to pack your Covid-19 vaccination card as well.  If you are traveling internationally, some countries may ask for proof of vaccination against the virus. 

I treat my proof of vaccination card just like I do my passport.  It's important documentation in the age of Covid.

Here are my three tips for packing your Covid-19 vaccination card along with your passport and boarding pass.

Protect Your Card

-Keep your card in a clear sleeve so that it is safe from water or any type of liquid spills, rips and tears.  And don’t laminate your original card because you may need to record a booster or third shot in six to 12 months.


Don’t Post on IG or Social Media

-Protect your card information because scammers and criminals are making fake vaccination cards.  Your health information should be kept private and off social media.


Keep a Copy of Your Card in a Safe Place

It is always a good idea to make a copy of your identification and your vaccination card.  I usually keep a paper copy and a digital copy using my iPhone.  Therefore, if you can't find your original card, you still have the information on hand. I usually keep my card close to me in my wallet or locked away.
